Thursday, January 31, 2013

Out for a walk

Dad says that people with Norwegian blood don't skip going for walks just because it's a little cold. The key is dressing properly.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Dad's Lap

I've discovered an amazing napping spot: Dad's lap.

So comfortable!

Even Keillor climbed up on the couch to join us.

By holding Dad's hand, I'm making sure he can't move me to my bed.


I've recently learned that I have hands. Now I'm starting to learn how to use them!

I know you can't see my face in this shot, but you can see how I have a toy in each hand! 

I'm working on being like Mom. Pretty soon I'll be able to text, drive and drink coffee at the same time just like her!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Three months!

I'm three months old today. 11 pounds, 8.6 ounces. 22 1/2 inches tall.

I've asked Dad to take photos with Keillor and me on each of my monthly birthdays to show how I'm growing. Here are some from today. 

Our first shot.

It became amusing after about 10 shots...

And then I started to tip. 
Notice Keillor looking at Dad for further direction!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Exercise with Mom

Spent some time working on lifting my head tonight.

Waiting for Mom

After our afternoon walk, Dad and I usually start making dinner. And Keillor? He waits for Mom.

Camping at the front door.

Abbey's birthday

Mom went to the game yesterday afternoon (Buffs beat Cal by 10) and I went to the church congregational meeting with Dad and then to Abbey's 4th birthday party. Mom met us there later, but we had plenty of time to hang out on our own with all of the other moms!

Hard at work

Ruff work, but someone has to do it.

Sunday, January 27, 2013


We went to Chuck's surprise 40th birthday party last night. It was a swing dance theme. I got dressed up, but then slept through the entire party. Mom and Dad said I missed a good time.

All dressed up.

Diaper Change

Diaper changes are way more fun when both Mom and Dad are singing and dancing for me.

Saturday, January 26, 2013


I'm really looking forward to learning how to use my arms. The toys are so close!

More Tummy Time.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Photo shoot

Mom keeps leaving her iPod at home, so we decided to play with it today. Our friend Robb told us of a free camera app and we had fun experimenting with it.

Mom, you'll see I'm wearing a different outfit than the one you saw me in this morning. Dad handled the messy work!

Random photos

Buffs beat Stanford last night. 

 First smile of the day.

Hanging out after breakfast.

Thursday, January 24, 2013


11 pounds, 3.5 ounces.

Home Improvement

As I suspected, there's no rest when Dad's in charge. Evidently I'm finally old enough to start helping him around the house.

We installed a new light fixture in the laundry room this morning. Always read the instructions first...

I fake excitement well.

And as soon as he turned around, I discovered something called electrical tape!
So much fun.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Tummy Time with my bud.


Wait. What?! I'm in charge of dinner tonight?

Guess we need to go to the grocery store!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Day One is going ok so far. Dad says we can't sit around all day, so out we went. We dropped Aunt Judey at the airport, then dropped off some donations to ARC, and then came home for 2nd breakfast and a nap. After first lunch we were off again. Mom told Dad not to worry about house projects while she's at work, but we decided we could accomplish a few minor ones this week.

Our first stop was to an amazing place that I'm sure we'll visit again...

 Giving my opinion on laundry room light fixtures.

And then we made one more quick stop to get Mom a present!

It's exhausting work.  

My dog kept busy today, too. 


Once I heard that Mom is leaving Dad in charge tomorrow, I thought I would demonstrate what I do well.

Dad, let me stay in this position. Do not move your lap.

Monday, January 21, 2013


Mom is leaving to go to work tomorrow! She'll be away for 8, maybe 9 hours.

Oh jeez. Keillor and I are in for it. We'll probably have to dust and vacuum and do laundry and cook dinner. Dad's going to need to get it in his head that both K and I are used to laying around all day. Deal with it, buddy.

 Our favorite activity: Laying around.

Judey's visit

 Aunt Judey brought her camera!

It's a little blurry, but you can see that I'm the only one paying attention to the Barrel Racing.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Aunt Judey is here!

Aunt Judey is here. Keep it a secret, but we're taking her to something called the rodeo. No idea what that is, but Dad says I'll get to participate in it in a few years. Something about sitting on a sheep and holding on as tight as I can.

I'll post pictures here later for sure.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

They're still talking about it

Ok, something special is definitely happening on Tuesday. Still working on identifying it, but a lot of talk around the house. Dad was even explaining to Keillor that things are going to be changing. What the?

Friday, January 18, 2013

Next Tuesday? What's the big deal?

I've heard the talk lately. Dad keeps asking mom, "So how do you think we'll handle the morning routine next Tuesday?"

No idea what that means.

Here's how we'll handle it, Dad: You'll wake up, walk the dog, eat breakfast, change my diaper, hand me to mom and then go to work. Mom and I will continue to hang out and enjoy ourselves all day. Not hard to grasp.