Monday, September 30, 2013

Dominic's birthday

It was Nico's first birthday last week and he had a party yesterday!

It was at an indoor gym sort of place where you can tumble, climb, slide, run, crawl, and go nuts.

 Playing in the crawl area with lots of fun padded things. 
We were all required to wear socks so of course mine had to match my sweater!

 Holy cow! Susie was there, too!

 This is as good as you're going to get when you try to wrangle three babies for a photo.


Sunday, September 29, 2013

Eleven months

One more month until my birthday!

In the meantime, here are my monthly photos with my pup...

Lots of fun this month. Last month I got my first tooth, this month I got three more! I've now got two on the top and two on the bottom. I'm getting good at using them, too. Mom or Dad don't have to break apart my occasional graham cracker anymore. I take tiny bites myself!

Speaking of food, I'll try anything. And I usually enjoy it. I'm pretty much done with the baby food that Dad has been making over the past several months. Although I do enjoy some of his apple sauce or pureed cauliflower a few times a week. You may have seen a post earlier this month where I told you I love sauerkraut. Other recent favorites: Gnocchi, black olives, salmon and cheese. Seriously, I could eat cheese all day long if they'd let me.

I talk a lot, but no one knows what I'm saying yet. And I understand quite a bit, too. You can ask me where Keillor is and I'll look towards him. And last night I perked up with excitement when Dad asked if I wanted my bottle.

Physical therapy continues to progress. The focus lately has been getting me into a crawling position. I'll get my hip surgery and cast in December and the doctors would really like me to be crawling by then. That way I'll pick it up again quickly after I get out of the casts. 

Last month started with a plane trip and this next month will, as well. We leave on Wednesday for our trip to Ireland. Looking forward for our 4-hour flight to Newark and then a 7-hour flight to Belfast!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

It's cold

We had to wait for the rain to stop before we went on our evening walk last night. By the time it stopped, it was dark and cold out so Mom and Dad bundled me up.

 Say what you want about this hat, but it stays on my head versus the other ones I like to pull off!

Umm, Dad? I think I'd be more comfortable without socks. 
Here, I'll even pull them off for you.

Friday, September 27, 2013

My best friend

Have I mentioned that I love Cheerios? They're the closest thing that I get to something Mom and Dad call 'dessert.'

 Eating Cheerios while staring at Cheerios.

I could just eat the whole box!

Thursday, September 26, 2013


Sorry for the lag in postings this week. My blog assistant (Dad) was in Minnesota for great uncle Jack's funeral. I'm so happy I was able to finally meet and hang out with Jack over Labor Day weekend!

Here we are at the picnic before Katie's wedding:

If you recall a posting from earlier this month, both Jack and I had a blast at the picnic. 
We just kept giggling at one another!

And now Dad's back in town and we're back in action!

Mom and I are in a little bit of trouble. Dad downloaded all the recent pictures off of our camera and he found this:

He tells us that there are a couple things wrong with this photo:

First, I'm sitting on the dining room table. I did not climb up there myself.

Second, and perhaps more important than the first point, I am wearing skinny jeans. Anyone that knows my Dad would know that this is grounds for grounding. Luckily, I did not leave the house in this outfit so I think we're ok!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Wagon improvements

Earlier this week Dad outfitted my wagon to accommodate two of us by installing a divider to prevent us from bumping into one another.

Our faces don't show it in this picture, but we love it and
we went on long walks every day this week!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Keillor's bedtime

At bedtime, we have a fairly regular process: We go to my room, I change into my pajamas, get a new diaper, read a bit, have a bottle, etc. Throughout this process, my dog is normally laying on the rug next to my crib.

Well, last night he had a different idea. Where was Keillor? Enjoying my new fleece blanket in the living room.

This dog is addicted to fleece!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Keillor thinks that many of my toys are pretty cool. I think that his stuff is pretty neat, as well.

 Here we are trying to share the same green foam bone.

Then Dad said we had to let Keillor have it.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Favorite foods

Dad is really proud of me. Mom is slightly disgusted.

My new favorite food this week: Sauerkraut!

 Notice that the first thing I'm grabbing is the sauerkraut!


The other stuff on my plate for this meal (because at least a couple of my grandparents would have asked): Green beans, grilled red and orange bell peppers, garbanzo beans, corn bread and BBQ ribs.

Monday, September 16, 2013


Dad came home from work on Friday and I was ready to go. Well, we weren't actually going anywhere, but Lindsey and I have fun playing dress-up!

Lindsey also said that Dad has to start making use of all the girly accessories that I own!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Full mouth

I'm all about feeding myself lately. But I don't have a good sense of when to stop shoveling food into my mouth.

Mom must have been daydreaming or something because she let me get away with putting a lot in! And yes, it's true, I have chubby cheeks, but you can see in the pictures below that my cheeks look just a little bit more chubby.

Then Dad asked me to fess up and show how much I was squirreling away...

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Ready to go

A tiny book arrived in the mail for me on Friday. Mom and Dad say it'll allow me to see the world.

 I think it tastes like bangers and mash. Mmmmm!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Uncle Brian

Uncle Brian came to visit this past weekend!

My morning outfit is once again sponsored by New Jersey. Thank you for the new pajamas, Aunt Judey!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Minnesota 6

The best part of weddings is the reception, of course!

 Mom and Dad set up a special play area just for me. 
I was almost under the table!

 I ate some baby food, but saved some room for olives, squash, potatoes, and ravioli from Mom and Dad's plates.

 Cousin Cindi was there!

So was Cousin Steve! 
(Which was convenient since it was his daughter getting married)

Family shot.

The best of about 20 we took. 
Dad's long arms helped us take this one ourselves.

No good pictures of our trip home, but I decided to sleep for about an hour of the flight. I woke up just in time for Cheerios before landing.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Minnesota 5

Katie's wedding day!

All cleaned up.

Relaxing while the stylist works.

 Sophisticated ladies don't walk themselves into a wedding.

Who am I wearing, you ask? Donna Karan. 
Thanks again, Aunt Judey!

Dad's lap.

Three generations.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Minnesota 4

Dad and I got up earlier than Mom and Grandma on Sunday, so we had some breakfast...

They have yogurt and Cheerios in Minnesota, too!

 Dad showing me what he got me at the fair. I ripped it apart.

Again, what he got me at the fair. Also ripped apart.

Then Mom got up and I was super excited even though it was Dad who played with me for the last two hours. Get over it, Dad!

 On the swing with Grandma.


And then it was time to get ready for Cousin Katie's wedding...

[tune in tomorrow!]