Sunday, December 29, 2013

1 year, 2 months

It is hard to get me to sit still for pictures now. These are the best of the 20 or 30 dad took this morning. You'll also notice that I'm sporting a new outfit from Lindsey and Susie!

And I apologize for my hair. Tonight is bath night so it'll look better soon!

Go Broncos!

 Ok, that's enough, Dad.

Highlights from the month:
I'm not in a cast. That's probably the biggest news. The new surgery date is Friday, January 17th.

I'm making the most of my cast-free time by crawling all over the place. Sometimes so quickly that Mom and Dad are surprised when I'm not where they left me. I also like spending time on my knees and I'm getting better at pulling myself into a standing position. Dancing is always fun and it doesn't take much of a song to get me bobbing my head. 

I'm starting to get just a little pickier when it comes to eating. I'll no longer just shovel anything into my mouth. And if Mom or Dad tries to sneak something in with cottage cheese or apple sauce, I'll calmly pull it out of my mouth and offer it to Keillor. But I'm still a really good eater overall. In fact, over the last couple weeks I've become quite skilled at pointing to what I want and giving a little grunt (food, books, toys, whatever). Dad made a new batch of lefse on Christmas and I like to say, "Mmmm" after each bite of that.

I'm saying several words now, too. It's just that no one really understands me. Banana, milk, and book are all part of my vocabulary, but it's still my own sort of language.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Thursday, December 26, 2013


Getting ready for bed with my buddy...

 Kiss attack!

The end.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Sneaking around

What you can't tell from this picture is that I was quietly on my way over to play with the Christmas tree when Dad popped up from the other side of the table and caught me!

This is me looking casual. Nothing to see here, folks. 
Move along and let me get on with my business.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Keillor and his toys

The dancing video from a couple weeks ago was a hit, so I'll try to post more short videos more often.

Here's one from us goofing around last weekend. I asked Dad to include subtitles since everyone isn't used to hearing me talk yet.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Hair styles

My hair is getting long enough for Lindsey to start styling it!


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Feeding my buddy

Keillor and I have an unwritten agreement: He lets me climb all over him and then I sneak him some of my cheerios.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


I've recently learned what to do when Mom or Dad ask me to "cuddle with Keillor."

Look out, Keillor, I'm coming to give you a hug!

Monday, December 16, 2013


Mom and Dad built me a tunnel of couch cushions over the weekend. Super fun!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Monday, December 9, 2013

New date

Quick update for my readers who are interested in my hips:

My "new" surgery date will be January 17th. Which isn't really a new surgery date. That's the date my other hip was supposed to be operated on. But there aren't any openings in the next couple weeks so the only option was to keep that date.

Positives: I get to enjoy Christmas cast-free.

Negatives: It pushes back the date that I'll eventually get out of the casts (tentatively Memorial Day weekend).

Friday, December 6, 2013


Here's me enjoying myself last week while Dad was dusting the living room.

Click here for the link to the HD version. Youtube won't let us embed the higher-quality file since it includes third party music.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Surgery postponed

Do you know how to get yourself out of surgery? Catch a cold the day before the procedure.

Yep, that's what I've done.

The decision has been made to postpone my surgery because they won't let babies with colds go under anesthesia.

Mom and Dad were very upset about the circumstances, but as Dr. Brazil explained, "This is an elective procedure and we're not going to risk Tess' health when we can easily reschedule for a couple weeks from now." Amen to that.

We don't have a new date yet, but will hopefully get that tomorrow.


Game time.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


What to do with all those leftover cranberries? Put them in pancakes, of course!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Ready, set, eat

Right before Thanksgiving dinner. Hair pinned up and ready to go!

Monday, December 2, 2013

1 year, 1 month

Dad totally lost track of time this month and we forgot to post my monthly update!

He remembered right before bed on the 29th so I was relaxing in my pajamas and enjoying a beverage at the time.

This last month was very exciting. In the past couple weeks I became a very good crawler. Almost anything is in reach for me now! I'll just crawl across the room to grab it. It has certainly kept Mom and Dad on their toes.

Keillor and I are getting really good at entertaining one another, too. I'm learning to throw his toys for him and he seems to have fun fetching them even though it's only a foot or two away.

Dad taught me how to say "dad" a couple weeks ago while Mom was out of town, but I still think both Mom and Dad are "dada." I'll say "mama" every once in a while but Mom and Dad aren't convinced I actually know what I'm talking about quite yet. I'm getting good at learning all sorts of vocabulary, though. Ask me where my belly, nose or mouth are and I'll show you. I'll give you a high five, kiss or snuggle if you ask, as well.

I'm off formula and onto whole milk now. And my favorite new food from the last month was lefse although I enjoyed nearly everything at our Thanksgiving dinner, too.

On Friday we head to the hospital for my first hip surgery. I'll be in casts for several months so we'll have to put the crawling on hold for a little while!