I got to stay home with Mom today since we're both on school break. Dad had to go to work!
Monthly pictures with my pup:
My downward dog yoga pose!
My walking has improved drastically this past month. I've even started enjoying my ab workouts on the exercise ball (thanks to a fun song we learned last week at PT). I still find myself tripping over the occasional rug, but my attitude after taking a spill is great. Often times I'll be the first one to laugh about it.
I'm at the age where I can string together a full sentence every once in a while. Dad is still a little better at understanding me than Mom. And both Mom and Dad are amazed at the stuff I recall from weeks ago. It's definitely time for both of them to watch their language around me!
I know all of my letters thanks to the magnets on our fridge and an activity that I like to play at school. And if you pick out a letter, I can tell you a word that starts with that letter. Although I get a little confused every once in a while. For example, this morning Dad asked me what starts with a D and I replied, "Mom." So partial credit on that one because Dad was thinking I was going to say, "Denise" like I normally say.
Another funny letter story: Last week I was in the kitchen with Dad as he was making supper. Keillor was eating his food on the other side of the room. I was having fun grabbing one letter off the fridge, walking over to Keillor, showing it to him and saying the letter. Then I'd march back to the fridge for another letter to show Keillor. Keillor's head was in his bowl of food the whole time, but I taught him four new letters!
Mom and Dad have started to build my new room and I'm very excited about it. There's a new bed and a new dresser in the room so far, but I haven't been moved quite yet. The new baby will get my old room when he arrives, but I don't have to wait until then to move. My first night in the new room will be later this week (we hope). I've spent a lot of time in the new room over the past several days just getting used to it (and I love it).
I got to watch part of my first movie last night! Mom and Dad were also excited to finally see Frozen. We watched the first 35 minutes last night and will continue with it tonight. I liked to stand up and sway along with the music during the singing/dancing scenes.
Big changes in store for our family this next month and I've already decided that I'll share my blog with Buddy (that's what I like to call him) so you can follow all the updates right here.
Watching my first movie: Frozen.