Friday, February 28, 2014

Day-in-the-life: Bath

The next installment in our day-in-the-life series. Bath time!

All ready to go!

One of my favorite bath toys: A cup from Target Field.

Fake drinking.

Hey! We're finally bathing! 
The towel is protecting my cast from any sort of flying water.

Is there a way to get my hair to stay like this?  
I'm sure Aunt Judey would know how!

Helping Dad dry the inside of my cast after getting a scrub down. 

My favorite part - playing in the water!

And here's the look I gave Dad when he asked, 
"Tess, why don't you brush your hair for the camera?"

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Surgery on Tuesday

Hi folks, just a quick note to let you know that I will not have surgery tomorrow. We decided a few weeks ago to move it to next Tuesday, March 4th. I just realized that we probably haven't talked to some of you in a few weeks so you might not know about the change. So Dad will be updating the blog next Tuesday like he did for the last surgery.

We moved it to Tuesday because that allows us to have the exact same team (doctors and nurses) as the last surgery.

Popcorn and basketball

Haven't posted a video in a while, so here's a quick one...

It was a double-special treat on Tuesday night: Trying a new food and a little bit of TV with Dad!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Day-in-the-life: Diapers

Over the last several weeks, we've received lots of questions about how various things work with me in my cast. I've asked Dad to put together a couple posts to show you how things have worked lately.

Today's topic: Diapers.

 Welcome to my changing table!

After getting cleaned up, the first step is to tuck a smaller diaper (size 3) under my cast in the front. It's nice that the doctors cut a stomach hole in the cast, because my diaper changer can grab the top of the diaper through that hole (see Mom's left hand in the above photo). 

Then I get flipped over! This is perhaps my favorite part lately because I love to try to pull myself around. The diaper now gets tucked under the cast by my butt. With me on my stomach, there's plenty of clearance for fingers to tuck the diaper.

 Reaching for anything to play with. I love to open the box of wipes and pull them out. But my favorite is when Mom or Dad asks Keillor to stand next to the changing table and I get to pet him!

The last step is to get flipped on my back again and a larger diaper (size 5) gets wrapped around my cast and holds the smaller diaper in place. The larger diaper doesn't get dirty, but we change it every day or so because the tabs eventually break off!

Monday, February 24, 2014


A cooler full of meat arrived on Saturday. And the best part? Each item comes in its own box!

Thank you, Uncle Leon!

 Playing while Dad cooked.

 It's important to stay hydrated.

p.s. I couldn't get enough of the stuffed sole fillets. So delicious!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Hair salon

Dad and I were on our own for my bath time the other night. After the bath, he held the hair dryer and I brushed. What a team!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Monday, February 17, 2014


It was Mom's birthday on Saturday so Dad and I made a cake!

I mostly helped with the empty egg carton.


 And the final product was delicious!

Friday, February 14, 2014


Dad says Valentine's Day is dumb. But how can it be dumb when cards arrive for you in the mail?!

Giving Dad the little bits I've ripped off the envelope. 

Still working...

 Hi President Lincoln.

How dumb is Valentine's Day now, Dad?!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

I've got company

A special present arrived in the mail from South Carolina on Monday. It's a new doll! This doll is very special. She also had hip surgery and is in a pink cast.

A pink paper mache cast!


My doll's headband doesn't come off. 
Dad says that's a good lesson for me because headbands are supposed to stay on your head.

 Dr. Zoe painting the cast in South Carolina last week.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

More dancing

I may be strapped into my chair, but when the music starts I can't stop myself!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Happy hour

Mom and Dad went to the Buffs' basketball game on Wednesday night so Niko and I hung out with Susie for the evening (Niko's mom was at an event at the Regis campus a couple blocks away so it worked out really well).

We had fun with our happy hour beverages and snacks while Dad and Susie were preparing a little dinner for us.

 Here's some more milk, Niko.

High five!

 Yes, you may have eaten your snack faster, Niko, but keep those hands away from my avocado!

p.s. Since many people have asked: I wear a little art frock from IKEA when eating now. Mom and Dad think it's the best option for avoiding food sneaking down into my cast!

Thursday, February 6, 2014


I wanted to go on a walk with Dad and Keillor on Saturday morning, but there was snow on the ground so we couldn't take the stroller. Which meant we'd take the backpack. But it was snowing and I'm not supposed to get my cast wet. Luckily Dad had an idea...

Plastic wrap!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Another new chair

We hinted at it last week and it finally made an appearance on Friday.

Uncle Brady and Dad make a new chair for me to use in the living room and it's at kid height! So now my feet just about touch the floor and it's way more fun to play with others.

For those of you that have seen my original chair in our kitchen, this one is the same style, just shorter and easier to move around.