Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Two years

Well that went fast, didn't it? I am two!

We took my monthly photos with the pup before school this morning, but first I had to check out the stuff that appeared on the mantle while I was sleeping! Dad said I have to wait until tonight to open them, though. 

Here's me doing the 'downward dog' yoga pose. 
In the background you can see Keillor doing the 'sitting dog' pose.

Happy Birthday to me!

Major growing this last month:
In the last week or two I've started to string multiple words together rather than just a single word to describe things. My favorite phrases while at home seem to have something to do with the dog. "No, Keillor!" or "Keillor's in trouble!" or "Keillor, come!" And yes, those exclamation points are appropriate because I seem to always be shouting it. Of course Keillor still only really listens to Dad.

Also over the last two weeks, I've demanded to go to the gym each evening during our evening walks. Mom and Dad aren't sure how the request first started, but I love stopping over at Regis' gym to watch basketball and volleyball practice. All of the coaches have stopped over to visit with me, as well. The men's basketball coach even knows my name and gives me a fist bump each time we stop over.

It will surprise no one to hear I've been brain washed with University of Wisconsin Marching Band music since I was born, of course. And now when 'If You Want To Be A Badger' comes on the stereo I hop and clap with excitement. I'm also quite good at waving my arm during 'Varsity.' I also love pointing out pictures of Bucky Badger around the house or on our shirts.

I continue to enjoy school and love all the different things I get to do. My current favorites are painting, drawing and playing with clay. I'm a much more adventurous eater when at school, too. Mom and Dad have never seen me eat blueberries or pineapple at home, but I love them at school!

This morning, my teachers told Dad that I'm doing really well on toilet training. This was news to Dad since we haven't done much of that at home. That will change beginning tonight, I guess! 

We've dialed back on physical therapy to once every two weeks now (instead of every week) and I continue to make huge improvements. We'll post a video soon, but I'm able to stand and walk on my own for more than just a couple steps and each day I get better and better.

I have my 2-year checkup with the doctor next week so we'll post the stats then.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


My favorite part of pumpkin carving was the fact that I got to stand on the dining room chair. So much fun!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Step stool

I finally figured out why Mom keeps a step stool in the kitchen. It's to reach things that I'm not supposed to play with!

It also acts as a little table for a quick breakfast:

We really just wanted to share this picture because of the look on Keillor's face. 
He's willing something to fall on the floor!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Family night

Once a month my school has a family night when parents can come to school for a different activity or to learn something new. This past week we had a family dinner where all of the kids could show our parents how we eat our meals when at school!

 Ready to eat!

Grabbing some sweet potatoes with the tongs.

 Eating rice with my spoon.

 Pouring more water.

Thursday, October 16, 2014


After my naps on weekends I like to relax in the living room with my snack. It's always nice to have some furry furniture, as well!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Field trip

School was closed on Monday for a professional development day, so I got to spend the day at home with Dad. Except we really didn't stay at home too much. We decided it was a perfect day for the zoo!

 Dad insisted we get there in time for the morning penguin feeding.
He was more excited about it than me.

 That's a Double-wattled Cassowary. We had a really good staring contest with one another.

 I spent about 10 minutes standing next to this wall. Wasn't really interested in the birds behind me, but the wall was awesome.

 This was my answer when Dad asked me how long the giraffe's neck was.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Coming home

We got home from our Minnesota trip on Monday afternoon. This was my last free flight since I'll have to pay for a seat after I turn two.

 Keeping busy while waiting for our slightly delayed flight to depart...

One side of our plane had rows with only two seats so it sort of worked out for all three of us to squeeze in. I had lunch while waiting for everyone to board (my mouth is full of apples in the shot above) and then fell asleep on Dad's lap shortly after takeoff. 

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Target Field

On the Sunday morning of our recent visit to Minnesota, Grandma took us on a tour of Target Field!

 It was cold out so Mom and Grandma wanted to try taking the skyway as much as possible. 

 Nope. Not going to smile when I'm next to this guy.

 Touring around the outside before we started the real tour.

 I believe they call this a Mom photo bomb.

 You can tell by the look on my face that I didn't enjoy this stop at all.

 This seat on the suite level was my favorite until...

 ...I tried these seats. Much better view!

Our tour guide pulled this out for me from a basket in the Twins' dugout. It was used for batting practice so Dad says that's super special because a ton of my favorite players probably hit it! Now that we're home, I like to point at it on my shelf and say, "Joe Mauer" (because it came from his workplace).

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Grandma's house

During our quick Minnesota trip, we stayed at a Residence Inn and I loved it! Dad started calling it Grandma's house since that's where we're going to stay during future visits to Minnesota. Our room was big enough that I had my own little sleeping area, but you'll see from one of the photos below that I also enjoyed snuggling in the big bed.

We didn't get any pictures of it, but my favorite part about "Grandma's house" was the breakfast included with our room: Eggs, sausage, skillet potatoes, waffles, muffins, yogurt and more.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Going there

We made a quick trip up to Minnesota over the weekend for Great Grandma Lubansky's memorial service and I proved to be a good traveler once again. The memorial service was on Sunday afternoon, so we had Saturday night and Sunday morning to play around town.

Today's pictures: The trip there.

 That's our ride in the background!

Waiting patiently.

Posing with my seat companion.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

On Wisconsin

If you want to be a Badger, just come along with me...