Friday, January 29, 2016

3 years, 3 months and 1 year

Happy Birthday, John!

Unfortunately, the birthday boy was not in the mood to have pictures taken this morning. 

Eye contact from all three = success!

Hey Sis, do we have to do this every month?!

This has been a big month for Johnny and he's learning something new everyday. We still call him Baby John, but that's quickly becoming inaccurate. He's scooting and crawling very quickly and everything in the house is on lock-down. Our latest worry is that John is getting a lot better at climbing things, but he still lacks the skill of a graceful dismount. He's good at pulling himself up to standing and he'll even take a few steps while holding onto something. He loves to climb all over Keillor.

The kid will still eat anything which makes it nice for Dad when deciding what to cook. However, we have noticed that John now surveys his plate at mealtime and definitely picks out his favorites first. He's been drinking out of regular cups at school for months now and we're trying to do that at home (instead of a bottle). A lot of liquid still goes down his shirt and bib, but he continues to get better. His favorite new food this past month has been some small bites of my post-swim class Frosty from Wendy's. The cold shocks him every time, but he keeps asking for more!

At this point, John is still great at sitting on laps. He calmly sat on Dad's lap at the Regis game last week, followed the action going up and down the court, and even clapped when everyone cheered. We saw the same sort of performance at the rodeo last weekend. Mom and Dad fully expect that to change as soon as he starts walking (or running!) on his own.

I've had a good month, as well. Swim lessons continue to be fun and we'll start another session of those in mid-February. I got to walk on a balance beam at physical therapy this past Monday and I enjoyed it so much that Dad whipped together a homemade version for the playroom downstairs. We also received a mini trampoline last week so I've been having some fun exercising.

I continue to amaze Mom and Dad with the knowledge I'm bringing home from school. Recently I've been enjoying the language cards at school which focus on letters, spelling and rhymes. My sense of humor took a large leap at the Buffs' game a couple weekends ago, as well:

  Dad: "Tess, let's go to the bathroom during this timeout."
  Tess: "I don't have to go."
  Dad: "Come with me and try anyway."
[I sat on the toilet and didn't produce anything. As soon as we got back to our seats...]
  Tess: "I have to poop."
[We walked back up the steps and to the toilet. Nothing except one toot.]
  Tess: "False alarm!"
[Back down to our seats for a grand total of 30 seconds...]
  Tess: "I have to poop again."
[Now Dad was getting frustrated! Back up the steps and to the toilet where I actually pooped (finally) and then back to our seats. After about one minute, I looked at Dad...]
  Tess: "Dad, I have to poop again...[Dad sighed and shook his head]
  Dad: "Really?"
  Tess: "No! I'm just being silly!"

My monthly quiz (answered by Tess)-
Favorite color: Purple
Least favorite food: Blackberries
John's favorite word: Dada
Favorite friend at school: All of them
Favorite movie: Frozen
Favorite TV show: Dora
Favorite book: Dora (was reading it as Dad was asking the questions)
John's favorite book: Board books
Favorite thing to do in the snow: Run around
What would you rather do - ride a sheep or dunk your head in the pool? Ride a sheep.
Favorite place to go in the car: Stay at home

Thursday, January 28, 2016


No hat or mittens needed at the playground this past weekend. It was beautiful!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

We need to write these things down

During an evening walk a couple weeks ago
Tess: "How old is Uncle Jeff?"
Dad: "38."
Tess: "Whoa! That's tall!"

After carrying fake popsicles into the living room where Mom and Dad were relaxing -
Tess: [Using a sing-song voice] "I have popsicles for you if you ask using manners!"
Mom: "May I please have a popsicle?"
Tess: "There it is!" [meaning that Mom used the manners properly]

Gael's Dad, Grant, is very tall. And for some reason, comparing things to Grant's height has been very popular lately. Two examples:
On the way to school, we pass a construction site with a huge crane. Some days we stop to watch all the workers. Last week, after observing the moving crane for several minutes - 
Tess: "I'm sure that crane is taller than Grant!"

On the way to physical therapy on Monday we had a great view of the snow covered mountains -
Dad: "See that big white one out your window? That's called Longs Peak."
Tess: "Yes, and it is taller than Grant!"

On the way home from swim class last Thursday -
Tess: [Completely out of the blue] "I don't want to be four! I just want to be three for a long long time!"

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Hold on tight

Settle down, Johnny, there's plenty of room for both of us!

Saturday, January 23, 2016

John's ears

John's recipe for pig ears:

1. Capture.

2. Rip.

3. Enjoy.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Stock Show

The annual National Western Stock Show is in town so we made a trip over there on Monday morning and met up with some cousins!

I insisted on wearing the seat belt.

Captivated by the pampering the cows were getting.

I was fascinated by the technique these guys were using to puff up the tails while getting them ready to show. Basically, the ends of the tails were blow-dried out then sculpted into the bulb shape and sprayed with glue!

Pig ears!


Thursday, January 21, 2016

Buffs again

Dad and I skipped the Broncos game in favor of the Buffs on Sunday.

Not even facing the court.

Using "binoculars" from the 8th row.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016


Big kids in the dining room. Little kid in the kitchen! 

John asking Landon for advice on how to scale the fence.

Sharing a joke.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Gael's birthday

We went to a little birthday gathering at Gael's house on Saturday.

Owl cake!

And then Gael and her folks came over for dinner on Sunday and they brought dessert!

Showing Gael the furry bench at our house.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Broncos day

The grown-ups were in the living room watching the football game. John and I thought it was more fun to goof around in his room!

Friday, January 8, 2016

A Thursday afternoon in Denver

The National Western Stock Show is a big event that takes place in Denver each January (you may remember that Dad and I went last year). They kick off the three-week show with a lunchtime parade through downtown Denver. Dad busted me out of school yesterday for a field trip!

Snacking while waiting.

The front end of the parade!

Waving politely.

Reward for waving! 
Although it's a bit hard to bend over for candy when your Dad has overdressed you.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Crib time

The new special treat after John wakes up: Two kids in the crib!

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Hold it

We apologize for the quality of today's pictures, but John was having a tough time sitting still. He was trying to get over to the Christmas tree and I was encouraging him to resist the lure of the pretty lights!

Monday, January 4, 2016


I gladly accepted a bribe to join Dad on a winter walk over Christmas weekend: McDonald's water followed by hot chocolate!

Friday, January 1, 2016

Big present

After naps on Christmas, it was downstairs to open a larger present for both of us!

Cool! What is it?!

Oh! I get it!

I took a break from playing with the new workbench to give everyone a letter matching their names.