Monthly picture time! John was not a happy camper this morning. He's recovering from an ear infection and was not in the mood to wake up or take pictures!
Keillor wouldn't stop licking his leg (see previous pictures), so I helped out a bit.
Time for wrestling!
Keillor's monthly ear exam from Dr. John.
And the last laugh goes to Keillor!
The monthly update:
Over the past few weeks John has become a walker. It's now his preferred mode of getting around. His teachers tell us that's really the only transportation method he uses at school. He still likes to crawl occasionally when we're at home, though. Especially when I'm chasing him or we're racing to get the same toy or book.
John continues to eat more than me at almost every meal. Often times he'll eat more than Mom and Dad, as well. Favorites from this past month: Oranges, Dad's mushroom chicken and chocolate pudding. Also, his first two molars broke through just this past week!
Lots of talking and singing from John while he's in the car most afternoons, but the only thing we recognize so far is "Dad" or "Dada." His listening skills are getting much better, though. Frequent phrases you'll typically hear from Mom and Dad fall along the lines of, "John, that's not safe to climb, please sit down" or "John, please step off of that." And at this stage John usually follows those instructions!
As for me, I'm continuing to stay busy with swim lessons on Tuesdays and art classes on Thursdays (both at our local rec center). It makes for busy evenings since both of those start at 5:30 and we like to have a quick dinner beforehand.
Dad pointed out a Great Blue Heron which was hanging out near the lake last week and my interest in birds has taken off. I've enjoyed asking Dad about his morning walks with Keillor to see if they saw anything new and exciting around the water during sunrise.
My monthly questions as asked by Dad:
Favorite friend at school: Ryan and Reese
Favorite dessert: Pudding (we just made some last weekend)
Favorite project at Thursday night art class: Rubberband thing (see blog photos from April 5th)
Favorite dinosaur: T Rex
Favorite place to walk with Keillor: Campus - the baseball field specifically
Favorite movie: Tangled (just got it from the library last weekend)
John's favorite food: Pears
John's best friend: Me!
Would you rather go camping, bake a cake or go out to eat? Bake a cake
There's excitement planned for the end of next month. John and I will be will be keeping an eye on Grandpa Rick and Grandma Candy at our house while Mom and Dad are out of town for over a week!