Friday, March 31, 2017

Roller skating

My friend from across the street (Emy) had a 6th birthday last weekend and celebrated at the roller skating rink!

This pusher helped me stay on my feet, but it quickly became uncomfortable while trying to hold on with my fingers in the cast. Most of the time I just enjoyed watching Dad circle the rink (Mom and John were at a different birthday party so we didn't get to see the wild man on skates).

Dessert was clearly the highlight!

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Art class

Dad failed to get me into swim lessons this session, so it's art class on Thursday nights instead!

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

4 years, 5 months & 2 years, 2 months

Monthly picture time!

I think we've published all of our fun news here on the blog lately. But here's an update on a few things:

Broken wrist - Yesterday my cast was reduced to just a forearm cast. They didn't recast the whole thing, just cut off the elbow part and re-wrapped it in my new color choice: pink! On April 17th, my cast will be removed and then I'll wear a splint for a week or two as my wrist gets used to moving around again. The time length on the splint will really be up to me and how I'm feeling. It took a few hours yesterday to get used to using my elbow again!

As you'll see in tomorrow's post, I've started art classes on Thursdays at our local rec center. The next few weeks will be left handed art and then I'll get a few sessions with my newly healed right wrist. Rumor has it that gymnastics classes will start again in April.

For some reason, building with Duplo Lego bricks has been extremely popular at our house for the past week or so. John is becoming an expert builder now that he's figured out how to fasten them all together. When asked what he's building it's almost always a house or tower.

Johnny wrapped up swim classes a couple weeks ago, as well. He has become more comfortably floating on his back and also loves to jump (or fall) into the pool from the ledge.

While I've been in my cast the past 10 days, Dad and John have taken a couple guys-only outings over to campus to work on John's bike riding skills. The sidewalks and paths over there are much smoother than the ones in front of our house. Campus also has some nice gently sloping grass hills that make falling much more comfortable! We'll try to get some video posted soon.

Questions this month have been asked to both kids. Unfortunately, neither of us were really in the answering mood.

Questions asked to Tess:
1. Favorite dessert: Vanilla and chocolate cake
2. Favorite game: Hisss
3. Favorite band or singer: Wailin' Jennys
4. Favorite movie: Trolls
5. Favorite state other than Colorado, Minnesota, Montana or New Jersey: Texas
6. Favorite thing to do on spring break (this week): Go to a movie (happening today with Dad)
7. Least favorite food: I don't know
8. Favorite day of the week: Sunday (because I like going to Sunday school)

Questions asked to John:
1. Favorite food: I don't know
2. Favorite song: Happy Birthday
3. Favorite dog: I don't know

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Broken wrist

This happened last Saturday (3/18) and we're finally getting around to posting about it.

I was standing a shopping cart when the cart hit a hole or a bump or a crack (Editor's note: The storytellers haven't been super clear on this point) and I toppled out. The result: A small, very minor fracture of my radius bone (forearm bone on thumb side). The treatment: I wore a splint for a couple days to wait for swelling to go down, then the purple cast in the picture below for a week. Today (Tuesday) I get to go back and get a new cast that will only cover my forearm and give me my elbow back. 

Dad says I take after him in terms of protecting the cast. I am hyper sensitive to it getting wet and I've become quite good at using my left hand for everything. The only little bit of hassle is covering it for bath time when we use two bags and a bunch of tape. You might recall that when my spica hip cast was removed a few years ago, the nurse and cast technician both mentioned that it was the cleanest spica cast they had ever seen. Dad cried. He is trying to loosen up a bit with this cast, but he still wrapped it in plastic wrap on Sunday night while I was helping him cook!

Wednesday, March 22, 2017


Dad and Uncle Brady took the gang to the National Alpaca Show on Saturday. Yep, that's a thing! It was a free show, but parking was $10. Dad and Brady are of the same mindset, so they drove about a mile away to park (for free) and we walked...and walked...and walked. Well, more accurately, Dad and Brady did the walking. The three of us were carried or rode in the stroller!

John wasn't ready to get too close to the alpaca's so he wanted a hand to hold.

Landon wanted to pose just like me, so he also rested his arm on the bar.
So casual!

Friday, March 17, 2017


These four are getting much better at smiling and looking at the camera as a group!

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Tournament time

Now that the games have officially started, we're able to share our brackets with you (click on the images if you want a larger version). I picked my winners based on mascot names and John picked his based on the university names. 

As you can see, I'm basically a fan of animals. Specifically, Badgers, Bison, and Wildcats.


John didn't have a lot of reasoning behind his picks, but he sure did like saying the words Duke, Dakota, and Butler.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017


St. Patrick's Day Parade last Saturday!

Not convinced by the Irish dancers.

Waiting for the next float.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Art Museum

Dad gave us the choice of activities last Sunday and we landed on a trip the Denver Art Museum!

Costume design exhibit.

Ready for the runway!

Friday, March 10, 2017

Marshmallow tower

Building activity at the central library. Mom and John decided to avoid the marshmallows and played with some giant building blocks in a different room.

Thursday, March 9, 2017


We were bummed to hear that we're done watching in-person basketball this year, but Dad told us not to worry. The baseball and softball seasons have started on campus! We've tried to go watch two separate games this year, but unfortunately we keep arriving after they're all finished (we had to wait for John to wake up from his nap before heading over on both occasions).

Snack time at the Regis baseball field.

Great seats, but the only action was a couple coaches working on field maintenance.

Bonus story: While having our snacks, the head coach stopped over to visit and to ask us to lock the gate when we were done eating. After he left, I said to Dad, "I just wanted to keep talking with the coach!" 

Dad asked, "About what?" 

I replied, "I wanted ask him how they play." 

Dad asked me, "How they play?"

"Yes, like, how do they hit the ball? And how do they catch it?" 

Dad told me to save those questions for next time because he wants to hear the answers, as well!

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Last games

Last in-person basketball games of the season last week/weekend!

Senior Night at Regis with little brother not cooperating for the photo.

Senior Day at the Buffs.
It was a noon start and we stayed for the whole game!

After getting in the car I announced, "Dad, I'm going to take a nap. And then promptly fell asleep."

Hard to tell with the sunglasses, but this kid also fell asleep immediately.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Monday, March 6, 2017