Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Bacteria is a stupid jerk

Tess is back on breast milk for her main diet! She was a champ last night gobbling up everything that was offered (2 oz at 6 pm, 3oz at 9 pm and 4 oz at midnight). She spiked a fever at about 3:00 am and lost her appetite, but then ate all 4 oz at 7:30 this morning. The docs aren't super worried about the fever, but they're running a few additional tests this afternoon just to make sure it's not something they overlook.

We were looking forward to Tess getting her PICC line tomorrow morning (which will make giving her the antibiotics much easier), but that'll be delayed. Her blood cultures from Monday were clear for 24 hours, but then grew some bacteria last night (they need to be clear for 48 hours). So now we're waiting on her cultures from Tuesday to be clear for the full 48 hours. So the earliest her line will go in is Friday morning which means we're here for at least a few more days. It's really just waiting at this point.

Tess is slowly getting back to her normal self. She was playing a little bit yesterday...

 Her favorite activity is to to pull the oxygen hose out of her nose!

I can't remember if I've mentioned our rather sweet room - sofa, two recliners, lots of space. Our 6th floor window looks south so we get lots of sunshine throughout the day.

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