Friday, March 1, 2013

Busy day so far

Ok, busy morning so far. I made the mistake of sleeping at home last night and I just got caught up on everything.

I received a voicemail from Denise while eating breakfast saying, "You should probably come over soon. She's going for her PICC this morning!"

Here's where we're at:
Dr. Booker examined Tess this morning and she was having nothing to do with it. Same behavior with the other doctors poking around. That got them to thinking they'd like to do an MRI to make sure there's no lingering infection either in the former abscess area or her hip. The only catch is whether or not the MRI is available today. We're still waiting to hear about that, but it may have to wait until tomorrow.

Anyhow, the PICC team examined Tess and decided that they can insert the line without putting Tess completely under. So that's what they're doing as I type this.

Denise said there were several scenarios being tossed around and things were changing by the minute between 7:00 and 8:00 am. Everyone is in agreement that an MRI is necessary. If they find some infection while doing the MRI, then Tess would go straight to surgery while still under the anesthesia.   

In summary: PICC is going in. We'll update you when we know more about the MRI.

Other interesting information that grandparents would like to know: Tess is off of her oxygen and was not hooked up to the heart monitor through the night. So she's totally wireless with the exception of the IV in her ankle. And that'll be removed after the PICC goes in. She also slept for about 8 hours last night.

Trying to hide her smile while playing with Mom this morning.


  1. go Tess!


  2. So nice to see that Tess is off the oxygen tank. Yay, Tess! After all this is done, you might want to borrow the oxygen tank for a day or two to revitalize Mighty Mom and Dynamic Dad! YQ
