Monday, April 29, 2013

Six months

I'm six months old today!

Keillor and I weren't in the mood for pictures this morning, so we'll try to get a better one this evening. 

Dad, we're both too tired for pictures.

Oh, fine. Here's one quick smile.

 And then Keillor decided he had enough energy to help clean up any leftover rice cereal from my elbow.

This month I've enjoyed trying real food! The rice cereal and oat cereal are ok, I guess, but I really love sweet potatoes and carrots. I continue to figure out how to use my hands. Mom's glasses and hair are my favorite targets lately. I love sitting upright in my chair, wagon rides and dancing with Mom and Dad. I know how to squeal really well now and I occasionally lay in my crib after waking up and just talk to myself!

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