Tuesday, October 29, 2013


I am one.

This is how much my dog loves me.

Summary from this past month: Our big Ireland trip took up a good portion of last month, of course. I proved to Mom and Dad that I'm a good traveler. I don't mind falling asleep on planes and I was never a hassle in the airport or while seated in the plane (I'll save that for when I can run around!).

I'll still eat almost anthing. Although if I don't like something I've now perfected the spit out technique. I also do that as a hint to Mom and Dad that I'm full. Keillor and I are best friends when I'm eating. I know he's always nearby and often look for him or reach out towards him while enjoying my meal. He knows that he can't take food out of my hand so I oblige him by dropping all sorts of stuff on the floor.

I can now give people high fives and I'll lean over to your cheek and give you a kiss if you ask me. I'm doing very well in physical therapy and I'm going to start crawling any time now. I'm very good at scooting backwards at the moment.  I'm also very good at pulling off my socks. And guess what? Our physical therapist actually says that's a good exercise for me!

From my one year check-up this morning -
Weight: 23 lbs 13.5 oz (92nd percentile)
Height: 28.5 inches (29th percentile)
Head: 18.25 inches (86th percentile)

And I received a special birthday present from the doctor: Six shots. Three in each leg!


  1. Tess - hope you had a fun first birthday!

    ps - aren't high fives and kisses fun?

  2. Happy 1st birthday Tess!
    xo Christina, Rich & the kiddos!
