Friday, January 31, 2014

Special treat

Both Keillor and I got to relax on Mom and Dad's bed before bedtime the other night. My cast works well on soft blankets and a cuddly dog!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

1 year, 3 months

Monthly pictures with the pup!

Dad said it was ok for me to stay in my pajamas and that Keillor and I could relax on Mom and Dad's bed while having my beverage this morning. It was his ploy to get us both to sit still for some pictures. It was only semi-successful...

Clearly Keillor loves being on the human bed!

 Pointing to my bottle.

 Petting Keillor nicely. 

 It typically takes about 15 shots before Keillor and I both look nicely at the camera at the same time. 

Notice the lady propping me up in the background!

Summary of the month: I am getting really good at communicating what I'd like. My pointing and grunting has become incredibly specific and I'll even use a few words when asked. I say "dada" all the time, but it doesn't always refer to Dad. It's just fun to say! And over the weekend I learned to roar like a grizzly bear!

Meal time is always fun for me, of course. Mom was on some sort of cleanse diet the past two weeks and she cooked all sorts of good stuff for me. My favorite was the different fish dishes and the broccoli soup.

My mobility has taken a bit of a hit with the cast, of course, but there's nothing that I can't do really. I still take Keillor for one or two walks each day, I still help Dad at Home Depot, and Mom and I have been shopping once or twice in the past week. I've been traveling in the backpack carrier a bit more than the stroller because my cast is the perfect shape for the backpack sling.

Aunt Jill and Uncle Jeff sent a little scooter board for Christmas (like you used in elementary school gym class) and I'm learning how to push myself around on it. In fact, I'm so good that Dad is going to need to rig a harness up to keep me from pushing myself off of it! Don't worry, we'll share a video at some point.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

New chair

A package arrived in the mail last Friday. It was from a lady in Wisconsin that makes special chairs for kids in spica casts like me. It took Dad about 5 minutes to assemble and it took me about 15 seconds to figure out that it is awesome!

 Immediately after being placed inside. 

 Warming up to it...

 I love it. High five!

We got to pick the colors and it came personalized!

And for a special treat, Keillor got a new dog bed for the basement room where my new chair is located. Speaking of that basement room, Mom and Dad have been working to turn it into a play room for me and my friends. It's almost complete and we'll post pictures soon.

For those of you that want to know more about the "jelly bean" chair: The orange tray is removable and that's how I'm placed inside. There's a little padded bench that accommodates the shape of my cast. Dad installed a little lap belt to keep me from sliding off the bench. My feet are about 8 inches off the ground, but I can still get it to rock by shaking my upper body forward and back. The other side of the orange tray is a chalkboard, so that will be super fun once I learn that chalk isn't a snack.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Rumor has it

Dad and Uncle Brady were over at the workshop again Friday night!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Bean bag chair

Relaxing in the living room on my bean bag chair...

Being sweet and cute.

Ok, you've had your nice picture, now lift me up!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Back to normal

Sure, I can't crawl around like I could last week, but things aren't much different with my cast. I still go on walks with Keillor, I still get to read books with Mom and Dad and I still get to play with all my toys. It's just that now I depend on Mom and Dad to bring me what I want. And I'm good at pointing and grunting!

And I still get to eat one of my favorite foods...cottage cheese!

Carefully watching the spoon approach!

More, please!

Saturday, January 18, 2014


We're home! Tess and Denise arrived home at about 3:00 pm and Tess went straight down for a nap. She was flat out exhausted. Denise successfully lifted her into the crib by herself since I was out getting Tess' prescriptions filled. This was a huge victory since Denise has been quite worried about how heavy Tess will be in her cast. Really, it's not that much extra weight. It's the bulk that will take some getting used to.

We had an enjoyable evening and Tess seems to be getting used to her cast and the diaper changes. She dozed off on her changing table at about 7:50 when we were trying to get her ready for bed!

Thank you again for all the thoughts and prayers.

Update #6

A tour of Tess' new cast. We'll share more pictures when we get home and she's not attached to the equipment any longer, as well.

Update #5

With the exception of one puking episode (while trying to take some medicine), Tess had a decent night. She had some solid chunks of sleep and would have done even better if it weren't for the interruptions from the nursing staff.

We've had a good morning. Playing, reading, eating. She's now taking a much needed nap so hopefully that lasts for a while.

The main thing we're waiting for this morning is a visit from the physical therapy team. They're going to make sure the cast fits well and that she fits in the car seat. At that point, I think we'll get to go home!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Update #4

Tess is enjoying a very special treat: TV! For a kid who only gets to watch an occasional sporting event on TV at home, watching an animated movie has her hypnotized. It may have something to do with the drugs, too!

She ate a very large meal and is now having some milk before bed. We're still hearing some grumbles from her, but we've moved her around a bunch and are learning how to hold her with the cast. She's been talking a bit and has offered a few smiles.

The nurses need to take her vitals at midnight and 4:00 am which will suck. But hopefully she can get some rest in-between those checkups.

More news tomorrow!

Surgery update #3

A lot has happened in the last couple hours.

We were able to see Tess in the recovery unit at about 1:00. She was alert, a little crabby and hungry.

At 2:00 we went down for an MRI to check the placement of her hip in the socket and now we've been moved up to her room on the 6th floor.

She's very tired and in a little discomfort when she coughs. She seems to be ok with the cast, but she's on some pain meds so might not be totally aware.

Just trying to keep her comfortable and also trying to get her to sleep a bit. She's exhausted.

Update on the hip: It's in the socket, but the socket is still too small. So the idea is that with the femoral head in place, the socket will grow around it over the next several weeks.

Surgery update #2

Nothing can be easy with Tess and surgery, of course.

About an hour after Tess went in, one of the nurse anesthetists came out to visit. Tess suffered from another bronchospasm like she had last May. Basically, while moving her to the end of the operating table (she had to be down at a certain end), her airway seized up and she couldn't breath. This only lasted for about 20 seconds and they got her breathing again and everyone felt good to continue.

Needless to say, this has us concerned for the next two procedures in February and April. I am confident we'll have much more to share on this topic after visiting with the doctors.  The four or five updates we've received since the spasm have all reported her stable and in good condition.

In the good news department: We just heard from the operating room nurse and Dr. Novais has not cut through Tess' femur. He's closing her up now and then it'll take about 30 minutes to apply the cast. We should get to visit with the doctors between noon and 12:30 and then hopefully see Tess shortly after that.

Surgery update #1

Andy typing here.

Denise and are in the cafeteria at the hospital now. Tess was a champ this morning. Up at 5:00 and out the door. We were in our surgery prep room by 6:00 am. All of the doctors and nurses came to visit while we were waiting. They're such a fun group and really seem to enjoy working together. We laughed a lot and Tess entertained everyone. Everyone is in good spirits and really excited for Tess. Nurse Nicole took Tess away at 7:30 and Tess didn't care one bit. She seemed to enjoy being carried down the hall getting to look at all the other patients and doctors.

It's going to be a long morning/afternoon. The anesthesia team will get Tess situated over the first 45 minutes and then Dr. Novais will begin the hip surgery. That takes a few hours, then the casting takes about 30 minutes. After that they'll take her for a short MRI. We should get to see her around 1:30. Maybe a little later if they have to cut her femur to get the hip in the socket.

The nurse will call us every hour with updates, but there probably won't be much to share until we get to see her and talk with Dr. Novais.

Thank you to everyone for the support and prayers!


Dad will start posting updates later, but I wanted to share two last pre-surgery pictures. I was getting quite good with my legs this past week! Here I am enjoying them before they're locked up for a little while.

Dear legs, I look forward to using you again in a few months. Enjoy your time off!

Thursday, January 16, 2014


My throwing form is improving every day. Here I am tossing Keillor his toy...

 Clearly the key is to stick my tongue out. 

 Action shot. Nice follow through!

Relaxing post workout.

Surgery tomorrow! We check-in at the hospital at 5:30 am. Surgery starts at 7:30 am. Grandparents: That's 9:30 in New Jersey, 8:30 in Minnesota and 7:30 in Montana. I'll turn the blog over to Dad and he'll post updates when there's anything to share.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Both Keillor and I got dressed up for the game on Sunday...

Thanks to Uncle Brady for bringing a jersey for Keillor. 
And for actually getting it on him!

Friday, January 10, 2014


Last Saturday we went to Berkeley's 2nd birthday party and we had a blast. It took me a while to warm up, but I loved it. Singing, dancing, musical instruments and a picnic!

Get ready for a load of pictures!

I was still sleeping 25 minutes ago.
Hi, I just woke up from a nap. Why am I here?  

I'm fairly comfortable right here.
 Ok, I see a bunch of kids running around and dancing.
Still wondering what we're doing here.
 That looks slightly amusing...
I am really good with this instrument.
 Starting to have fun now with the egg shakers!
I heard a rumor that it's lunch time.
Crawling to Mom. 

There were a ton of balloons on the ceiling. I got to take one home. 

This was the really big picnic blanket.
We danced under a big parachute and here's me doing the same thing with the giant picnic blanket.  

Picnic time!
My favorite part? The picnic. There were no vegetables!
Turkey, cheese and applesauce for me.

Did I mention there was cheese?

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Bowl game

I got to watch some of the Badger bowl game with Dad last week. They didn't win, but we still enjoyed ourselves!

Enjoying two beverages that are also popular in Wisconsin.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


My usual bedtime routine:

Milk with books.
Helping turn the pages.
Finish with a snack.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Lately, I've taken to saying "Mmmmm!" out loud when eating lefse. It's safe to say I enjoy it.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Christmas presents

Of course the highlight of Christmas last week was all the boxes, tissue paper, and packing materials I received. Thank you everyone!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Christmas dress

Mom and Dad asked me to pose nicely for a Christmas picture in my fancy dress. I was so good at it!