Tuesday, January 28, 2014

New chair

A package arrived in the mail last Friday. It was from a lady in Wisconsin that makes special chairs for kids in spica casts like me. It took Dad about 5 minutes to assemble and it took me about 15 seconds to figure out that it is awesome!

 Immediately after being placed inside. 

 Warming up to it...

 I love it. High five!

We got to pick the colors and it came personalized!

And for a special treat, Keillor got a new dog bed for the basement room where my new chair is located. Speaking of that basement room, Mom and Dad have been working to turn it into a play room for me and my friends. It's almost complete and we'll post pictures soon.

For those of you that want to know more about the "jelly bean" chair: The orange tray is removable and that's how I'm placed inside. There's a little padded bench that accommodates the shape of my cast. Dad installed a little lap belt to keep me from sliding off the bench. My feet are about 8 inches off the ground, but I can still get it to rock by shaking my upper body forward and back. The other side of the orange tray is a chalkboard, so that will be super fun once I learn that chalk isn't a snack.

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