Saturday, March 1, 2014

1 year, 4 months

Time for monthly pictures with my pup! Except neither of us are very cooperative when it comes to posing for Dad.

About to head out for our morning walk. 
My threshold for joining Dad and Keillor is anything over 20 degrees. Luckily, the thermometer hit 21 right after breakfast so I got to go with!

Sure, I can't move my arms, but I really do enjoy getting out.

Back inside with Dad trying to get us both to sit still.

Keillor's regular spot when I'm playing in my chair.

I do this when you ask, "Point to your chubby cheeks."

And here's me letting Dad know that he's taken enough shots.

What a month! I am learning so much lately.

I am getting quite good at a number of words: Mama, dada, bye bye, puffs (one of my favorite snacks), banana (comes out 'nana'). Heck, I'll give anything a try if you ask me to say a word. I do say, "Keillor," but it comes out sounding like a little whining noise. He's not quite recognizing when I try to call him over.

My animal sounds are also getting quite good. Cow, kitty, goose, grizzly bear, turkey, and horse. Seriously, my horse sounds is legit. We'll try to get a video of it one of these days. 

My favorite foods this month: Popcorn and chocolate cake. Otherwise known as the perfect meal, if you ask Dad. I've only tried each of them once and I'm excited to have them again. I also ate almost all of the pickled herring Dad gave me the other night, but I'm still not sure about it. I made a funny face with each bite.

Dad and I have been working on identifying trees over on the Regis campus the past few weeks, as well. At this point I only know what a "tree" is, but I'm looking forward to learning the different types. I am confident I'll have the difference between coniferous and deciduous sorted by April.

Surgery on my other hip on Tuesday so we're looking forward to showing you my new cast soon!

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