Tuesday, July 29, 2014

1 year, 9 months

Keillor and I were in the mood to play and not take pictures this afternoon. These were the best Dad could get!

Keillor is still a lot taller than me.

Tons of excitement this past month. Of course, the highlight was all the friends and relatives that came to visit. I had so much fun playing with all of the cousins a couple weeks ago and Grandma Linda is still here until the end of August. She even took me to IKEA for lunch yesterday and I was allowed to eat as many meatballs as I wanted.

Several of our regular blog readers happened to be over for dinner a couple weeks ago when I decided to sample some mustard. Sure, I've enjoyed it in the past on hot dogs, but this time I wanted it plain. Yep, just a spoonful of mustard, please. And I kept asking for more. Not much ketchup eating on the Lubansky-side of the family! Other favorites this month: Angel food cake, whipped cream, and peanut butter sandwiches.

I'm rattling off more words and phrases everyday. I often have to repeat them several times before Dad or Mom understand what I'm saying. And other times I like to just sit with Keillor and tell him stories. At least he doesn't ask me to keep repeating myself.

My physical therapy is coming along well. Two weeks ago our physical therapist let me take home a walker so that I could better practice my walking. It's allowed me a bit of freedom and I'm usually smiling while using it. At our appointment with Dr. Novais a couple weeks ago he thought I would be walking on my own in two or three months. Pretty exciting to think about!

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