Wednesday, June 29, 2016

3 years, 8 months & 1 year, 5 months

We were a bit of a handful for Dad this morning so the monthly pictures are not the best. John wasn't interested in sitting still and I was more interested in how Pink Bear was doing!

Good eye contact, Pink Bear!

And that was enough for Johnny.

Holy cow. What a month!

If you recall, the month started with Grandpa Rick and Grandma Candy watching us. Interesting tidbits are still popping up from that visit. For instance, I asked if I could have some vanilla ice cream for dessert earlier this week. Dad brought me a bowl of ice cream and I responded, "Where are the ginger snaps? Grandma sprinkles ginger snaps on the ice cream."

I am enjoying learning more Norwegian with Dad. He's still doing a daily audio lesson during his morning walks with Keillor (clearly refusing to acknowledge he's back in Denver) and I like to ask how to say certain words. We usually have to look it up!

Two big updates on health stuff: My ear tube surgery was pushed back to late July because I caught a nice cold during the scheduled time a couple weeks ago. And Mom and Dad visited with Dr. Novais about the MRI of my hips two weeks ago. Bottom line: There is not enough growth in either of my femoral heads to attempt a surgery this year. If you're a grandparent, you'll be getting more details soon. Anyone else can ask Dad, as well! It's just too much detail to include in our blog.

At PT on Monday I had a blast riding a tricycle down the hallway. Mom and Dad are hoping that excitement continues to the "new" bike we found at a thrift store recently. The weather is supposed to get more comfortable in the next few days so hopefully we'll have pictures to share.

John is still growing up too fast. His listening skills are improving drastically, too! We can even leave the bathroom door open occasionally. Although he'll eventually be drawn to the lure of the toilet paper roll.  Mom also put the wine bottles back in the floor-level wine rack last month and there have been no issues.

His morning routine at school is quite entertaining. After he changes into his indoor shoes, puts his outdoor shoes in his cubby and then washes his hands, Maria and Reyna give him a cracker as a pre-breakfast snack. But most mornings the poor kid can hardly contain himself. This morning he skipped the shoe change and hand washing and walked straight to the little kitchen area and started "asking" for a snack. The older kids in class are loving it because they also get a snack if they're around when John arrives.

The kid loves to copy me. If I climb the hill in our yard, he'll do it. If I run across the house, he's right behind me. If I try to sit on Dad's lap to read a book, John hops right on top of both me and Dad. If I start to clean up toys, John tries to help! The downside: If I'm frustrated and throw a toy, John often throws one in support. And yes, our daily lessons include how to model good behavior for a little brother! 

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