Sunday, October 30, 2016

4 years & 1 year, 9 months

We're one day late on our posting because Dad forgot to ask me the monthly questions before I went to bed last night. We had a bunch of friends over yesterday and things were a bit busy, so we'll cut him some slack.

Our monthly pictures were taken while party guests were arriving so we were too distracted to get more than these three:

Monthly update:

Happy birthday to me! I woke up yesterday morning feeling older and taller. 

After a breakfast of my choice, we went to our last gymnastics class for this session. We'll definitely be doing the same classes again, but we'll take a break for several weeks to do swim lessons instead. Both John and I love gymnastics. Johnny had the whole class cracking up yesterday morning because he got so dizzy rolling on the large mat that he couldn't stand. He tried to get up 4 or 5 times and had everyone cracking up. 

John's climbing, jumping and running get more impressive every day. Luckily, he's going through a shy stage and huddles close to Mom or Dad when there are strangers around. He's good at making a run for it if it's just the family, though! 

His vocabulary is growing, but Dad is really the only one that understands him at this point. Truck, bus, ball, thank you, and please have been popular words the last couple weeks. 

As in past months, John's appetite shows no sign of stopping. He gets very upset if there is food on the table and he's not in his seat. Favorite food recently have been pineapple, oranges and a variety of mustards.

My tastes have been slowly changing over the last month. I've always enjoyed apples, bananas and oranges, but I'm becoming a bit more adventurous as school. I'm not eating a ton of fruit, but I've made a good attempt at mango, peaches and strawberries recently.

I've had two favorite activities at school the past few weeks: Maps and writing. I'm getting pretty good at writing my name and the numbers 1 through 10 are coming along, as well. 

One big kid activity from October: We started to watch the original Star Wars! We usually get through about 20 minutes at a time and are almost at the end. I've read enough Star Wars books from the library to know all the characters and it's been fun to see them on the screen. 

Monthly questions from Dad: 

1. What is your favorite country or continent? Europe!
2. If you got to take an airplane somewhere with just you and John, where would you go? Europe!
3. Who is your best friend? Johnny
4. Who is John's best friend? Keillor
5. Who is your favorite character in Star Wars? Darth Vader
6. What was your favorite thing to do at gymnastics class? Foam pit
7. What is your favorite food lately? Macaroni and cheese
8. What was John's favorite food this past month? I don't know (with a shoulder shrug)
9. What is your favorite book? Star Wars

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