Monday, May 29, 2017

4 years, 7 months & 2 years, 4 months

Monthly picture time. And it only took one shot this month to get us all looking at the camera!

We won't have a huge update this month because we're all tired from our trip to New Jersey this past week. We just got back this evening and we all had a great time. We got to stay at Uncle Leon's house which is right next door to Grandma Lila and Grandpa John's house. We'll post pictures starting later this week, but it was an action packed week.

Other excitement from this past month: Tumbling classes, swim lessons, art class, and baseball games. We think those have been documented fairly well on the blog the past few weeks so we'll leave it at that.

Monthly questions asked by Dad:

Asked to Tess -
Favorite thing at Uncle Leon's house: Heated floor in the bathroom
Favorite outing in New Jersey: Pony rides (thank you, Aunt Judey!)
Favorite thing you ate in New Jersey: Donut (from the local bakery)
Favorite airplane activity: iPad!
How excited was Keillor when we got home? Super excited

Asked to John -
Favorite thing at Uncle Leon's house: Bouncy house (thank you, Aunt Judey!)
Favorite outing in New Jersey: Train rides (3 days in a row!)
Favorite airplane activity: Bus! (we are not sure what this means, but I think it means the bus we took from the main terminal back to our car)
How excited was Keillor when we got home? No words, but John hopped up and down and shook his arms from side to side.

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