Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Baby brother = soon

I'll be turning my blog over to Dad for a few days so he can update all of our readers on the impending arrival of my new baby brother. I'll take over again once the new guy comes home.

Update from earlier today:

Denise and I went to our regularly scheduled doctor appointment this morning and he did a cervical exam. During the exam he said, "Ok...uh why are you here and not at the hospital?" He was surprised she wasn't feeling any contractions.

At about 10:00 this morning she was 3 cm dilated and 100% effaced. So the little guy should be coming soon. Denise isn't experiencing any legit contractions (as in, the painful ones), but she is feeling some mild ones.

She was planning to be home from work today around 3:00 and was going for a long walk to give that kid some encouragement!

For those of you that care for other details: Bags are packed. Grandma Linda is in town for Tess. Brady and Erin are on call for dog walking. More updates as we have anything interesting to share, of course.

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