Wednesday, July 29, 2015

2 years, 9 months & 6 months

We were about to walk out the door this morning and then Dad remembered that we needed to do our monthly pictures! The sun was streaming in the front windows so the lighting wasn't the best, but I refused to move from the couch because I wanted to keep my feet on my footstool (which you can't see in the pictures). It was not a battle that Dad wanted to invest in, so here's what you get: 

For some reason I insist on holding John's hand for many pictures recently.

Little brother annoying big sister. 

Big sister doing her best to ignore little brother.

Knock it off, Johnny!

One last one before we all need to get off the couch.

And perhaps the best part of today's photo shoot: Keillor did not move a muscle.

Summer is in full swing around here! We've had very busy weekends which have included lots of parties and swimming. And last weekend we got to head up to the mountains for some camping (those pictures will be in tomorrow's post). 

My baby brother is no longer a baby baby. He's beginning to sit up on his own (with occasional support and hovering grown-up hands to catch him) and he loves to play on the floor with me. Of course that playing consists of me handing him one toy after another. When he's on his stomach he's pretty good at rotating himself in different directions, but I'm pretty sure he has no idea what he's doing. 

Johnny also loves to eat. On his menu so far: Apple sauce, bananas, rice cereal, oat cereal, sweet potatoes, yogurt, carrots, squash, avocado and peas. His favorite seems to be either apples or bananas mixed with the oat cereal. I enjoy helping Dad make the food. Ok, ok, I really just enjoy licking the spatula (even the peas!). 

Dad asked if I wanted to type my own update this month. Instead of that, we decided that he'd interview me and share the responses with you. Here's what we talked about on the way to school this morning:

Favorite food: Oatmeal
Favorite dessert: Ice cream (with Fig Newtons as a second choice)
Favorite song: Bucky Badger (otherwise known as If You Want To Be A Badger)
Favorite movie: Frozen (really the only movie I ever watch)
Favorite color: Brown
Favorite toy: Play-Doh
Favorite thing to bake in my play kitchen: Chocolate cake
Favorite brother: John
Favorite dog: Keillor

School break starts next week and goes through August 12th so Grandma Linda is coming to watch us. Grandpa Rick and Grandma Candy will also be in town watching Wren and Zoë during that same time. And to top that all off, Grandma Lila and Grandpa John are also coming out for a visit the weekend of August 8th. So there's a ton of excitement planned!

Two big kid things to note- 
First: I had my first trip to the dentist on Monday. It was awesome. While Dad was getting his x-rays, I got to pick a prize from the prize bin! Then I got to ride up and down in the chair and finally the dentist checked my teeth.  

And second: After school break, I'll transition to the Primary classroom at school. So I'll go from being one of the older kids in my current classroom to the youngest in the new classroom (3 to 5 year olds). Mom, Dad, and my current teachers are excited to see if I'll still be a little bit bossy with the older kids!

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