Monday, August 29, 2016

3 years, 10 months & 1 year, 7 months

Monthly pictures this morning!

Keillor and John were distracted by two people on bikes riding by the house.

And this just got boring, Dad.

A month of excitement around our house!

The month started off with a visit from Grandma Linda. When she left a couple weeks ago, I just kept repeating the same question to Dad throughout the following few days, "Why did Grandma Linda have to go back to Minnesota?"

Johnny and I both received our first hair cuts this month. It was definitely a bigger deal for me. I had a choice in the matter and actually enjoyed the outing. John was held hostage by Dad and wasn't sure what was happening. I continue to wear my hair in a pony tail most days because that makes me fast! I demonstrate this nearly every morning before school by running laps between the front door and kitchen. And because John does everything I do, he also runs the laps. In fact, this morning I was about to get in the car when I said to Dad, "Dad, I forgot to do my running." So we all went back into the house so I could do my lap!

When John gets bored playing with me, he often heads for Keillor. If Keillor is standing, John will make a fuss and make it clear he'd either like to be lifted up or have Keillor lay down. Keillor is a good sport. None of us will be too surprised the day John actually rides Keillor across the house. John is talking quite a bit lately. We're not always sure what he's saying, but he doesn't mind repeating himself!

Our other updates from the month were chronicled here in the blog, so we won't retype the stories of my ear tubes and stuff like that. One exciting thing for the upcoming month: Gymnastics lessons for both kids!

Monthly questions from Dad:
1. What would you like to be when you grow up? doctor.
2. What do you think John would want to be when he grows up? A real baker.
3. Who is your favorite character from Star Wars? Luke Skywalker
4. Who is your best friend? Mom
5. Who is John's best friend? Keillor
6. What is your favorite dessert? Cookies!
7. What kind of cookies? Fudge Stripes
8. What is your favorite desert? The Gobi
9. What was your favorite Summer Olympic event? Running and diving and gymnastics and running and swimming

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